
Automate Now your IT Infrastructure

Fast, effective, future proof setup of a

Puppet architecture ready for production

example42 Instant Puppet project


The fastest, most effective and future ready way to start to automate your infrastructure with Puppet.

Use it to bootstrap a new greenfield project, automated since the beginning, or to introduce Puppet in an existing brownfield infrastructrure.

We will setup together on systems of your choice a Puppet Enterprise or Open Source infrastructure, which you can use for a POC or as basis for your production puppet setup.

We will implement a sane development workflow, and use it to design and develop the Puppet code needed to manage, at least, the common baseline configurations for your most used Operating Systems.

Development of specific roles and automation of the needed configurations  will be made



During the activities, delivered remotely in shared screen or onsite we:

Install an Open Source or Puppet Enterprise server (consider it a POC setup or directly the expected production server: it’s up to you)

– Install and configure the participants’ Puppet Development workstation

– Create a Puppet control-repo git repository and define a basic development workflow, eventually with a CI, from development workstation to Puppet server deployment

Discuss and review the different kind of configurations we have to puppettize and then collaboratively develop Puppet profiles

– Create and use a script to automate installation of Puppet agents and control rollout, showing where applicable how to manage safe introduction of Puppet on existing systems



You might be a CTO, an Head of Operations or System Administrator: the person who has to manage an IT infrastructure based on virtual or physical servers.

Alessandro has more than 15 years of Puppet experience, has designed and automated hundreds of IT infrastructures with Puppet.


Where else can you have professional training  tailored to your needs and skills, using directly your daily tools and workflows?

Where can you train as many people as you want paying a fixed price?

Where else do you find a Puppet expert ready to explain, at every level, any Puppet related topic?

Where else do you find the same flexibility and expertise?



Onsite activities are delivered in consecutive days, online ones are split in sessions of 1-8 hours.