Example42 blog


Posted: 2022-05-23

Psick module version 1 coming soon!

Psick (Puppet Systems Infrastructure Construction Kit) is a project that aims to provide a top of the notch Puppet infrastructure in a quick and easy way. It’s composed by:

  • The Psick Control-repo featuring useful features like Vagrant and CI integrations
  • The Psick Module with a set of reusable profiles for the most common sysadmin activities

Version 1 of the psick module, after years of lazy developments and a recent and abundant code-rush, is going to be released soon, and there are really a lot of new things which are worth some explanations.

This is the reason of this post.

What the psick module does?

The psick module has some unique and diverse features which can be optionally chosen.


The first one is classification, you can use it to manage what classes to assign to your nodes and it does it entirely in a (Hiera) data driven way.

Something like this:

  ssh: psick::openssh
  sudo: psick::sudo

This feature has been present since the early days and there are no changes with version 1, which is therefore completely backward compatible.

Base profiles

The second feature is a presence of several reusable profiles to manage common resources like users, ssh keys, limits, kmod, logs, time, nfs, mounts, sudo, sysctl, repos, openssh, networking, resolver and the setup of languages like php, ruby and python.

Also for this common baseline profiles there are no significant backwards incompatibilities with version 1, which just introduces new profiles like:

  • psick::network, to manage networking, based on the works on version 4 of example42-network module (which is now deprecated)
  • psick::rclocal, to manage rc.local also in different files, based on example42-rclocal module (now moved to voxpupuli)
  • psick::systemd for basic systemd management
  • psick::kmod for basic kmod management

Applications profiles: psick_profile module

The third feature of psick module was the presence of several application specific profiles. This is where most of the changes will happen with version 1.

Short story: this feature doesn’t exist any more in psick module. Instead if has been implemented in the new psick_profile module.

Longer stroy, the following happens with psick 1.0:

  • All/most the applications profiles are moved from psick module to the new psick_profile module

  • The tp_profile module is now deprecated, its classes (all with the same structure and content) have been moved to tp classes in psick_profile.

  • The new psick_profile module basically contains profiles you can cherry pick to manage applications like Grafana, Icinga2, Jenkins, Keepalived, Mongo, OpenSwan, OpenVpn, Oracle (prerequisites), Prometheus, VirtualBox, Sensu, Ansible, CheckMK, Docker, Foreman, InfluxDB, MariaDB, MySql, Nagios, Newrelic, NRPE, Postfix, PostgreSQL, Redis RabbitMQ…

All of the backwards incompatibilities are actually due to changes in these classes, and their move from psick and tp_profile modules.

In order to cope with them, a migration doc is provided.

In short:

  • just the class names change, not their behavior.
  • for the classes you use of the psick module, you have to rename the relevant Hiera keys.

Relevant code changes are in these pull requests:

Antipatterns in a box or just a different approach?

Tiny Puppet and Psick might be considered a concentration of anti-patterns: single modules that do too many things, which is exactly, according to all best practices, what a module shouldn’t do.

My stance here is this: I understand and agree with the risks of such an approach, I’ve pondered elements, and, from my perspective of Puppet modules developer and user, I prefer to have a single module that tackles, in a coherent and comprehensive way, several common configurations that we generally add to our base profiles, rather than selecting, adapting, and chasing the dependencies of several different other component modules.

You have benefits both in terms of performance, integration, speed of implementation and ease of use.

Also, all the features of psick are optional and you can and should cherry pick them.

All you need to do is to include the psick module, which by default, does nothing, and then configure via Hiera what you want to do: the whole classification process, if you want, or just the data for the single profiles you have classified. Like this, for the psick::sudo class:

    content: 'al ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'

example42 “stack”

I have done Puppet modules for years, I love the modularity and the possibility to extend Puppet.

I written hundreds of different modules for different applications.

My search for optimization has driven me to develop Tiny Puppet to manage applications in a generic way, and then the psick control-repo where to have the ideal development environment, and the psick module, with all its profiles to manage common system resources and applications in more complete ways, using Tp as backend.

It has became clear that these open edged modules can grow uncontrolled, and that’s actually what I hope, in some way: having a growing number of application profiles and tiny data, which can work for most of the use cases, and are fully configurable to adapt to special needs.

Always knowing that you can cherry pick them and there will be on the Forge a better module to handle the same application.

The example42 stack of modules is now composed as follows, in Puppetfile format:

# Tiny Puppet - The general purpose universal installer, and its Tiny data
mod 'example42/tp'
mod 'example42/tinydata'

# psick module - The [recommended] infrastructure module to manage most of the common OS resources
mod 'example42/psick'

# psick_profile module - The [optional] psick addendum with profiles to manage different applications
mod 'example42/psick_profile'  

plus the usual and eventual other dependencies for specific profiles.

Four modules, or just two if you need only Tiny Puppet, not too many plugins to sync, nothing done by default, but several options available a Hiera data key away.

If you are using Puppet on a medium, large scale, you know how big Puppetfiles can become (and how this can affect deployments)

I’m available to explain in chats or live development sessions, for free, how to better use these modules.

Alessandro Franceschi