A few weeks ago we announced The [DevOps] Guide to Puppet, Universe and Everything.
It is an holistic, Open Source, documentation project composed of:
- A book about Puppet and DevOps practices
- A set of commented sample code architectures
- A modular slides deck
- A practical Puppet Universal Reference
We have launched an IndieGogo campaign about it, which actually is proceeding in quite a miserable way, but that won’t stop us from trying to deliver quality material for who wants to learn and use Puppet.
This first output of the guide is here now: a set of 42 slides for Puppet beginners. It’s the first module of the slides deck (others are expected for more expert users).
The slides markdown code is on GitHub.
Check this link for the rendered slides.
To see them from your computer using Showoff follow these instructions:
# Install the showoff gem
gem install showoff
# Clone the slides repo and move into the Beginner directory
git clone https://github.com/example42/puppetguide-slides
cd puppetguide-slides/Beginner
# Run a local webserver, on port 9090 that shows the presentation
showoff serve
To see the slides, browse to and use the arrow keys to flip them, or press the T
key to show a menu of the contents.
We think that this Beginners slides deck, even if not finished (it will never be it as we plan to maintain and update such documentation over time), is ready for release and can give a valuable overview about Puppet world, and online references, to who is approaching it for the first times or needs some clarifications on its basic concepts.
It contains 42 slides (just for this prime time, we will not struggle to keep this fancy number) that can be used in internal trainings, workshops, or for self learning.
We are looking forward to hear your opinion on the work (use GitHub or example42 social forums for them) and if you want to support our efforts on the [DevOps] Puppet guide, give a look to the IndieGogo campaign.